French Provence Smock
In honor of her, here is my French Provence Smock. I would love to tell you it took 3 hours & it was a piece of cake but it took me more like 3 days due to the little ones I have running around. I would like to tell my great-grandmother that times have changed & we marry men we love & pay people not only in cash but on these plastic things called credit cards and that she shouldn't worry because I won't be trading Sabrina's hand in marriage to my window washer anytime soon.
The author of this book, A is for Apron, complains about using bias tape, she doesn't like it. I loved it. None of that cutting strips of material & pressing, folding, pressing, folding. I ditched the pattern about a quarter of the way in & just wung it. The way it was written was to much for me to read, I like my patterns simple. It worked out just fine. I had a flaw here and there, but nothing noticeable. My only complaint is that I am a bit busty & it makes me look really pregnant. Which is not a pleasant thought to me seeing as how I had 2 babies in 18 months. (It looks lopsided in the photo because of the way I am standing & the wind was wicked) I would make every apron in this book if I had the time. But I think I am going to go give my husband a hug instead & be thankful my parents didn't give me away to the guy that delivered their mail.
you know my mom had to fix a fence when i was about 17 and my grandmother and aunt came over. i was really suspicious but it turned out they were trying to arrange a marriage with the guy installing the fence! (we are Armenian and this is very rarely but still done) obviously it didn't work out, which is kind of a shame because i find myself in desperate need of a fence right now ;)
aww. i feel so badly for your great grandmother.... and so happy that YOU are here!
that apron is awesome... i would feel totally cool feeding the kids in that! :)
xxoo (miss you)