This lovely neck warmer started out as
Felicity, I got to the decreases & realized I was going to need another skein. After a frantic, 20 minute search online, I came to the realization that I was not going to find my colorway, the yarn,
Charmed, has been discontinued & everyone was pretty much sold out. So I went to Ebay & bought 2 skeins, that match, in a Raspberry color. So I will cast Felicity on again this week!
*House update....this neck warmer is hiding my cold sores, 3 in all! I look like a leper & it is because of this house. So much going on & getting to my washer to do the laundry is a challenge since I have a large pile of dirt in front of it....God help me. They start ripping the roof off this weekend.
and yes. hang in there! :)
Good luck with the home reno.
best of luck with the home improvement. I feel your pain. You'll love it all when your done : )
and your eyes are beautiful!
hang in there on the house front- i hope it will be over soon.