Namaste' & a contest...

Last post I told you all what I look forward to for this year! Leave a comment here & tell me what you are looking forward to, and get a chance to win this bag. It was a birthday gift & I really wanted it but it just never worked right for me. Contest ends this Saturday, January 10th at Midnight.


Karen said…
I look forward to finally figuring out what I want to be when I grow up - and which classes I need to take to get there - and maybe get started working again. I also look forward to really organizing the house and learning to let go of the things we don't need and don't use and don't have the room to store.

Knitting-wise, I'd like to conquer my fear of color-work. I may start with a pretty pair of stranded mittens.

Thanks for this contest - I hadn't really thought much about what I'm looking for this year until you asked me to. :)
Jill said…
I'm looking forward to getting this knitting thing down. Only six months into the craft I think I know less now than I did 6 months ago-because now I know how much I don't know.

I'm so enjoying knitting and love finding new ideas, new blogs about knitting and stopping by my favorite yarn shop just to browse.

You sound like you have a great year ahead. Hope your mother is resting well and feeling at peace.
Jill said…
I'm looking forward to getting this knitting thing down. Only six months into the craft I think I know less now than I did 6 months ago-because now I know how much I don't know.

I'm so enjoying knitting and love finding new ideas, new blogs about knitting and stopping by my favorite yarn shop just to browse.

You sound like you have a great year ahead. Hope your mother is resting well and feeling at peace.
um..............looking forward to just being! and trying to enjoy every minute of every day. that is what i am looking forward to this year!!!!!
Lara said…
I look forward to a year full of happiness with Scott and my kiddos! I know it will be a great year.

Love the bag! Hope you are doing well with the pregnancy.
Anonymous said…
looking forward to rediscovering what inspires me...what does it feel like to wake up every day excited to make a difference in the world. i've gotten in a routine rut & i'm jumping out!

on the knitting front...i'm knitting from my stash for a couple of projects before i purchase more yarn, and then the purchase will be something i love!
Anonymous said…
i look forward to fulfilling this intention: to really live + love my life + to live in peace [+ to live with peace in me] despite the news on the telly + outside my door.

beyond that, on the knitting front, i look forward to expanding my ever-growing knitting skills. it is exciting: the better i get + the more i know! it is a challenge i am rising to!

that feels good.

everyone needs to find those things that make them feel good.
the world would be a happier place...

thanks for the question!

peace + best, karen
detarjag at aol dot com
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to another year, happy to have a job and a great boy, an dog and a new kitten.

i love knitting and crocheting, i always have a million projects going.

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