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Birthday Wishes do come true.........and you don't have to be in Disney!
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to my shock & amazement my husband surprised me last night with my birthday gift two days early. May I introduce you to the Nikon D90, which I have so lovingly named Moose.
Moose & I are becoming fast friends & he has so much to teach me. He tells me that there are a bunch of accessories that he would like as well!
Moose was given to me very without much fanfare. A box arrived at the house yesterday & when I told my husband that I knew it was my birthday gift, he replied, "No, it's some books I had to order for a class I'm teaching at work." Now, you must know my husband cannot lie, he is terrible at it. So I told him I wanted to see the books. FINE! He says, rips open the box & just sets it in front of me as I am sewing curtains at the "craft table." I hyperventilated for first time ever, then I got teary & was afraid to touch Moose for fear I might break him. I got over that quickly!
So here are some photos I was snapping last night, no touch-ups, just them.
I can't end this post any other way than to say Thank You Matt, I love you.
Oh, and Happy Birthday!
how fun. can't wait to play!
Hope you had a great day and that you have a magical year :-)
Isn't it an awesome toy!
I really need to take mine out and play...
Hello Moose and welcome to Keana's Family he he....
Hey, the those letters up on the wall (to the right)are they easy on and off? I almost came home with a set but for one I couldn't descide which saying I wanted or which room:)They have them up at Hobby Lobby here.