The economy & crafting.........

I recently got a great catalog in the mail from While flipping through I came across some paintings I thought would be great for the kids newly remodeled bathroom. But with the price of gas & milk, spending $160 on paintings just didn't seem right, so I did what any wannabe artist did. I painted them myself. I changed up some of the background colors to better match the new bathroom, but all in all I don't think I did that bad. All that for $26.oo(canvas at Joann's), the paints were mine & I have had for years. No matter the price of gas, there will always be money for crafting, I think it keeps you sane in these economy-stressed times. Now with all that green I saved I can fill up my gas tank TWICE!


Erin said…
Wow. That is pretty amazing. I couldn't paint anything myself. Very cute.
Lara said…
You don't think you did all that bad??? Honey, you did a fabulous job! I think I need to commission you for some paintings. Never knew you were a painter!

Just as an FYI to your question on my blog - I got the name Exie from my great, great, great Aunt (a story I will tell you about in my post) and if you used the name both Exie and I would be honored. Exie is a sweet but fiesty girl and I attribute it to her name.
YOU! you are SO good!
saving money, and making something that looks exactly the same, if not better than the original.
Anonymous said…
Those are adorable Miss multi-talented. :-)
Anonymous said…
Look at you! That is awesome and so cute!!!
Aim said…
Those are really great repros...I love that you did that, and that it was so economical. That's the best part!!!They are super cute :)

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