The economy & crafting.........
I recently got a great catalog in the mail from While flipping through I came across some paintings I thought would be great for the kids newly remodeled bathroom. But with the price of gas & milk, spending $160 on paintings just didn't seem right, so I did what any wannabe artist did. I painted them myself.
I changed up some of the background colors to better match the new bathroom, but all in all I don't think I did that bad. All that for $26.oo(canvas at Joann's), the paints were mine & I have had for years. No matter the price of gas, there will always be money for crafting, I think it keeps you sane in these economy-stressed times. Now with all that green I saved I can fill up my gas tank TWICE!
Just as an FYI to your question on my blog - I got the name Exie from my great, great, great Aunt (a story I will tell you about in my post) and if you used the name both Exie and I would be honored. Exie is a sweet but fiesty girl and I attribute it to her name.
saving money, and making something that looks exactly the same, if not better than the original.