This is one of my first creations, the scarf not the man. I made this about 5 years ago for my husband, I never posted about it. I taught my self to knit after 10 years of crocheting. While at Michael's one day I picked up a kit from Lion Brand to make socks. The yarn was Fisherman's Wool which was REALLY thick, after I got it home and read the pattern I realized this was not the best project to start with, so I knit a scarf for my daughter with different yarn. Later I pulled out the yarn from the kit and made him a scarf . The pattern, I am ashamed to say, came from a book I saw at Borders, it was a simple pattern that I copied onto a piece of paper because I didn't want to spend the money on the book for one pattern. *GASP HERE* I don't think he really liked it but he did wear it quite a bit so he didn't hurt my feelings. I found it in the bottom of our "winter stuff" box and made him pose...thanks baby!
i am not ashamed to say... that i too have done that in the bookstore! :)