Cole Joseph

Ladies meet the newest heart breaker in our family.....Cole Joseph.
He was born on July 21, 2009 at 3:05 p.m.
Weighing in at 8 pounds 5 ounces.....
He looks exactly like his brother Jack...(you can see a comparison photo here)
Oddly they were born close to the same time, Jack was born at 3:04 p.m. & weighed almost the same, Jack weighed 8#4oz) They are little clones of one another.
Labor was easy & wonderful...I know you don't here that too often but as you can tell, since I have not posted since May, the last couple months were horrible. I swelled to amazing proportions, lost feeling in the fingertips on my right hand & my feet hurt so badly I wanted to cut them off. So there had been no knitting for me.
I picked up the needles this week & am determined to finish a scarf I wanted done last is slowly going back to normal & with the addition finished, the baby here, and my fingers alive again I plan on knitting as much as I can!
I took the above photo of Cole last week. That is his Daddy's wedding ring he is holding.
The D90 & I are becoming better friends & with the help of DVD's & books I am figuring him out. So hopefully I will also have time to take lots of beautiful baby pictures. I look forward to catching up on all of your blogs in the next couple of days.
Congratulations! I look forward to many more pictures!