Jack's Hat
I used Cascade Wool 220 Heathers in color #2430 & this took about 3 hours to knit. Lovely!
In 2009 I lost my mom to Ovarian Cancer. When she passed away I became the sole owner of thousands of hand written recipes, going through them I realized we really didn't eat any of these things and all the tasty meals I do remember aren't written down! You'll never know the sorrow of not being able to find the City Chicken recipe that you so long for. From fishballs to watergate cake....how can this go wrong?
Have your dreams, Keana! I had this conversation with Jorn just the other day. Jorn used to say he wanted to live in our house (with us) forever. Now he said he wants to live here with his wife when he grows up. I asked him where mommy and daddy would live and he said, "Down the road." I asked, "What if mommy is really old and needs help?" He said, "That's ok. I'll help you pack." :-) It goes too fast!
i could just eat him. even wearing a warm fuzzy hat.